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The Lady of Yrazul

The one and only Goddess of Yrazul. It was The Lady who created the elves, sheltered them from the war of the gods, back when she had a name. She spent all her power to protect them from the Great Serpent, but unbeknownst to her, his servants the Old Ones snuck into the safe haven she had created for them with her slumbering form. The fervent worship of the Old Ones slave race, the Human Humans, she awoke, and began walking the world as a sorceress, known only as the Lady of Yrazul. She led the Old Ones slaves in a rebellion to throw off the yoke of the Great Serpent, and when the Old Ones destroyed the world, she gave herself again to save it. Her people named the new world Yrazul, in her honor. Most believe she became the Sun, and it is her divine light that warms and nourishes Yrazul.

Her followers are led by the Saints, led mostly by one of the three Saints of the Sun. There are three major factions in the church that follows her.

setting/the_lady.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/14 21:15 by cheismann